Pizza Can Say “Fall” Too
The third butternut squash recipe means we are well into fall. Butternut Squash, Bacon and Rosemary Phyllo Pizza is about as far away from pizza as you can get—no bread, no tomato sauce and no cheese topping. The flavors were well balanced and varied. The rosemary brings out the earthiness of the butternut squash. The smokey bacon balanced the squash. The parmesan in the crust and the sweet red onions brought it all home. Butternut Squash, Bacon and Rosemary Phyllo Heaven would be more accurate.
P.S. We drank one of only two wines last year that successfully qualified as Cheap & Good: LoTengo, a Malbec from Argentina. It’s about $10 and we will drink it until they stop selling it. Janet
P.P.S. Marc doesn’t believe in Phyllo Heaven. Janet