North Indian Sword Snapper
We winged this one, starting with a recipe for Grilled Swordfish With North African Spice Rub. The swordfish was replaced with red snapper, the caraway replaced with cumin and the grill replaced with a pan. The vegetable couscous originally accompanied Curry Tuna Cakes.
The result was satisfactory. Much of the rub rubbed off. Most of our fish recipes have been fine, but not great. Fish seems to taste extra fishy since I’ve moved to Alberta. Perhaps that’s because I am used to eating halibut and haddock which seem very difficult to find in Calgary. I hope the flavour is not because the fish sucks.
We go to the butcher every week for great meat. Why not go to the fish market for great fish?
March 13th, 2006 at 12:33 pm
Marc….Regarding your comments on fish in Alberta : For all the time we lived there, ALL the fish sucked big time !! Even Jim didn’t want to eat any !!